External mail label in Outlook
External mail label in Outlook
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You may have noticed that since last month, an update has been rolled out in Outlook for Microsoft 365 cloud users. This update adds a label to external emails, which alerts the recipient. Some complaints have been received about this label, as it is perceived as functionally undesirable. This label was not introduced by NDI, but is a global policy change from Microsoft that has been implemented for all their Microsoft 365 customers. It is possible that this has not happened everywhere yet, but it will happen at the next update.



We can technically disable this label from Microsoft. However, as NDI, we fully support the reason for its implementation. NDI advocates for employee awareness. Of course, technical implementations are not always the solution, but in this case, we believe that the label supports the awareness process. Employees who receive emails that appear to be from colleagues (i.e., internal) at first glance are alerted by the label that the email is from an external (and potentially malicious) party.

If you have any questions about this subject, please contact Nick Reijmers at 088 – 088 4321 or nreijmers@ndi.nl.