Analog Security Squad

Every day we are working to keep your digital environment(s) safe. Our many years of experience and our ISO certificate guarantee that we are in control. Of course, we do this with great enthusiasm and pleasure!

In addition to your workplace at the office, safety must also be guaranteed for the home office, especially since ‘covid’. We ensure this by providing secure ICT services, often based on KPN EEN.

The biggest risk of the home workplace is that it is… at home. Home is the place where people want to forget about rules and where privacy is even more important than at the office. This makes it difficult to monitor the physical home workplace. Or… rather it was!

Together with KPN, we have been developing a new service: ‘the Analog Security Squad’. This squad makes the home workplace safer, with checks that you thought you couldn’t or shouldn’t do. At your request, they check the safety of your employees at home!

In the video below you can see what this service looks like in practice.

If you are interested in this service, please fill in the form below.