In addition to sound business operations, NDI has also been trying to give back to society for years. NDI supplies its services to a large number of social organisations and foundations at very reduced rates. Besides, NDI also regularly makes a donation at the end of the year in the form of services, products and a check. In this way, NDI has helped organisations such as Cliniclows, Friendship Sports Center, and the Princess Maxima Center, one step further.

Despite the support for these various social organisations, there are always other organisations left that could use help. To encourage this, NDI has created the CSR scheme. Employees may allow 50% of the time spent on volunteering to take place during working hours. Various NDI employees have already worked for multiple organisations, click here for their experiences and click here to read more about our CSR-pet.

Do you know a social organisation that could use help? Tell us about it; we are happy to help and always think along.